Passengers forced to leave the Diamond Princess three-times for ‘gastro deep cleaning’

Linda Everworth is cruising around Australia on a 21-night cruise on the Diamond Princess. But on three separate occasions, she has been asked to disembark the ship for deep cleaning. The following sailing on Diamond Princess has had its embarkation delayed, also citing the presence of gastrointestinal illnesses.

Guests set to board the Diamond Princess on November 16 have been told: “Please be advised there will be a slight delay in the embarkation process for your upcoming Diamond Princess cruise on Saturday 16 November.

“Our crew will be spending extra time disinfecting the ship in Melbourne that day following a small number of cases of gastrointestinal illnesses that were reported on the current voyage.”

On the Princess’s currently sailing, Everworth says passengers have been told the deep cleaning is required due to gastro onboard, likely Norovirus. Everworth says she’s feeling extremely frustrated with the situation, as well as unhappy with the compensation offered, which has been $50 onboard credit per disruption.

“I’ve been feeling extremely frustrated. I’m on an Adelaide to New Zealand roundtrip on Diamond Princess for 21 nights.

“We were ordered to vacate the ship for six hours in Melbourne, six hours in Auckland, and then again in Melbourne. This was due to the need for deep cleaning due to gastro onboard. We were given $50 onboard credit each time.

“Essentially, that was three days of being unable to enjoy the ship’s facilities and suffering the long queues to reboard. Not good enough Princess.”

Everworth’s comments were written on a public forum, and many other cruise fans responded saying they believe Everworth shouldn’t be upset as the measures are only being done to protect passengers and prevent illness.

However, Everworth pointed out that the ordeal has been especially difficult for cruisers with mobility issues or old age.

“Tell that to all the people who are mobility impaired or just frail who didn’t intend to leave the cruise ship but sailed for the facilities of the ship. Sending them on a free shuttle to an outlet shopping centre didn’t quite cut in.”

Many cruisers had comments, feeling strongly that Princess wasn’t at fault, or that it comes down to passenger responsibility.

Sue Colley wrote: “Princess is not ‘making’ people sick. They are trying to clean the ship of the virus. VERY hard to do with people on board. I understand you are being inconvenienced…but that is one of the ‘joys’ of travel….the unexpected will always happen.

Siobhan Liehne said: “It’s down to passengers not being sensible. Princess cannot legislate against people who don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet, then leave, planting their germ-laden hands on plates, cutlery, tables, chairs, banisters, shop items, books and god knows what else”

One cruiser who has mobility issues says situations like this are just a part of cruising.

Stacy Adams said: “I’m disabled and often stay onboard at ports. But, I choose to cruise in today’s world and I know that includes risks and inconveniences like this. Agreed, it’s a bummer, but so is a ship full of cooties. Not sure what else you want them to do. Respectfully, if you have a better solution, tell Princess.”

Princess Cruises has been contacted for comment.

Diamond Princess.
Is Gastro a problem on the Diamond Princess?

Is gastro going around?

There currently isn’t available data to support if cases of Norovirus or other gastrointestinal illnesses are on the rise in Australia or on cruise ships in Australia. Anecdotally, cruisers have been reporting cases over recent months, however, there isn’t an indication that it is more present than usual.

One cruiser Susan Ford says she’s heard Gastro is going around on the Diamond Princess and isn’t sure what else Princess can do but intervene when possible.

“Friends of ours just got off the Diamond Princess after a 14-day Melbourne to New Zealand cruise, there was Gastro on the ship before they got on, and precautions on board then. The buffet was not self-serve, the staff served everyone, and handwriting was encouraged.

“However, getting people off the ship to clean it is good, but, all the people get back on including the ones who already have gastro !!! It’s a vicious circle !!!! I feel the only answer is to cancel cruises to thoroughly clean ship, but, nobody is going to be happy with that either!”

Despite this, other Aussie Princess customers say staff have been going above and beyond for their safety in recent cruiseres.

Roberta Eastman said: “The staff did a fabulous job on our 21-day Australia & NZ cruise, that we just got off in Melbourne from October 19 to November 9, 2024. They all but washed the people’s hands for them. It isn’t the staff or the cruise line’s fault, it’s the people. We are grateful they made us all get off and had us board late. Otherwise, we may have been one of those who got sick.

“The company did everything they possibly could. Would people have preferred they cancel the cruise? Then they would be complaining about that!! We are all blessed to be able to take a cruise. Why can we not remember that?”

What to know about Norovirus?

While stories such as this one may present a picture that all cruise ships are riddled with noroviruses, truthfully it’s not very common. However, outbreaks can and do happen and it’s smart to be educated and prepared for this.

The virus is essentially contracted by ‘swallowing’ it, such as touching a contaminated surface and then touching her mouth or not washing your hands before food or drink.

The simple advice to avoid it is frequently and thoroughly washing your hands, encouraging your travel party to be hygienic as well, and in case of a break-out, avoiding large crowds.

12 thoughts on “Passengers forced to leave the Diamond Princess three-times for ‘gastro deep cleaning’”

  1. We are currently on the Diamond Princess, on a 21 day tour of New Zealand.
    I have mobility issues and find it difficult to get off, especially at Melbourne Port.
    I think it’s ridiculous that we are being forced to get off as the sickness will continue no matter how much cleaning it gets.
    I won’t be going on another cruise after this.

  2. I have done many cruises with Princess and there are constant reminders about hygiene from the Captain, from staff at the entrance to the buffet dining areas, there are reminders in your cabin and on the Princess Patter. Australians are dirty cruisers. I have watched both men & women come out of toilets and not disinfect their hands before eating. I always wear a mask just in case and used disinfecting wipes all the time. Some might think this is overacting, but touch wood, I’ve never been unwell. Just simple good hygiene. Come on Australian cruisers, clean up your act. I won’t have my cruise ruined by a dirty few. It cost too much to be bed ridden!

  3. I was on the Diamond princess 26/10-9/11 . the ship had to be deep cleaned at Melbourne before we got on then in Aukland then again in Melbourne. three times we got off to do tours and there were sick people in the bus with us. one man was so ill with gastro they had to get him a wheelchair to get back on the ship. WHY the hell didn’t he stay in his cabin and isolate. This is why there is so much illness whether it is covid or gastro SELFISH INCONSIDERATE people who care about no one but themselves. The staff on the ship are working so hard and these instances just add to their already hard workload. STOP being so selfish.

  4. It amazes me that people nowadays think automatically of compensation the minute something they don’t like occurs.

    My wife and I have done around 10 cruises with Princess and wouldn’t cruise with any other line!

    The care and service provided by Princess is exemplary and I believe unmatched !

    Never had cause to unhappy at any stage with Princess. If you are considering a cruise, go with Princess… you will never regret it.

  5. Hi I think the bad health experiences are a real Princess issue
    We cruised Royal Princess in March. The cabin air conditioning was not working. We had to put up with it as they were “missing a part.
    They gave us $ 200 each. I ended up with severe Sinusitis.
    The air about the ship was not properly controlled. We wondered how many passengers were sick.
    I wrote to Princess in April declaring we were booked for the October Cruise and to ensure our air conditioning in our accessible cabin was working.
    We boarded and went to our cabin. The noise from the air conditioning was like sitting next to a jet aircraft.
    We called guests services and nobody came. Our first night absolute hell. I rang again the next morning and an engineer attended.
    He said he would try to adjust the fan. Very little change. I said the temperature controller was not working.
    I insisted he turn the air off altogether. He did.
    For the rest of the cruise there was no follow up to fix it.
    We had to open the balcony door and fresh air was humid.
    My wife caught a cold. Then I got very sick.
    I believed it was Sinusitis again.
    On disembarking I tested myself to find it was Covid.
    We wonder how many passengers were sick on this latest cruise.
    We also found air conditions and health protocols around the ship disastrous.
    The theatre like a freezer.
    Passengers coughing and sneezing in all different areas.
    Wash your hands protocols not upheld.
    We have had three Princess cruises this year.
    We are concerned to read about Diamond Princess. We are booked in February for Japan Cruise.
    We are waiting to hear from Princess about our latest issues.
    Princess appears in decline.
    Not only on board.
    Try and talk with anybody other than a call centre with Princess.
    Unacceptable Princess you seem to have your head in the sand.

  6. When I first cruised on Princess ships a y years ago Handwashing prior to entry to food areas was insisted on. There was nobody allowed back in unless hands were washed again. After a few cruises these things got less & less, self serve areas were opened up, people came & went & just refused to re wash hands, extra dessert & coffee areas opened without hand hygiene required. We were unsurprised when disease broke out.

  7. Think you are doing an amazing job sadly it’s the passengers and folk with walkers need to wipe down the handles ect .satay safe if you all wash your wash your hands would be no problem . Happy cruising .

  8. We are on Crown Princesses doing 28 days around Australia & the Gastro bug has hit our ship also. Everyone had to get off in Darwin while they deep cleaned yesterday. In my books it must be coming from the kitchen area/ the food preparation area. This is the third ship on princess line that we have heard of catching the bug.

  9. Straight up, it’s not gastro it’s Covid-19! People who tested positive were made to stay in there rooms for 3 days, then given the all clear to resume movement around the ship. Personally, I think that’s way too soon. Both my sister and myself tested positive for Covid-19 on disembarking the ship, we didn’t get gastro.
    If it was gastro, why leave trays of food outside their doors on tables, blocking their exit. Some eaten, some untouched. Why were Staff wearing masks, not all but enough to question the gastro diagnosis even more. The ship using the words ‘Gastrointestinal Illness’ without saying Norovirus had everyone on board I spoke with, calling bullshit to there announcements. It was Covid-19 for sure and I got a positive confirmation the morning I was to disembark the ship. They need to tell people the truth. People will be more careful with Covid-19 circulating than with ‘Gastrointestinal Illness’ but it all comes down to the almighty dollar! Until they admit Covid-19 is why they are constantly doing the deep clean, people are going to get infected. Diamond Princess is the perfect petri dish, getting fresh hosts on board to infect and continually spread, every 2-4 weeks. It’s disgusting. Had we been told the truth, we would’ve worn masks whilst on board. That’s the only way they are going to get ahead of this.

  10. Currently on the Diamond Princess arriving Melbourne tomorrow. The crew/staff are being very helpful.

  11. The problems will occur time and again, especially when passengers are not using proper hygiene such as simply washing hands after the toilet, advising crew / cabin attendants if there has been an illness, even sea sickness.
    The bigger the ship and passenger numbers, the bigger the problem. It isn’t just Princess !!

  12. I travelled on Diamond Princess 12 months ago. My wife and I swore we would never do another cruise. There was gastro, bed bugs half warm meals. There was a lot of sickness on board.

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