With Black Friday sales upon us, there’s no better time to book a cruise and why not make it an adventurous one?

Hurtigruten Expeditions is offering 50% off second traveller costs across a range of itineraries from voyages across the icy Antarctica to the barking sea lions of the Galapagos and so much more. This means for the only price of one-and-a-half cruises, you and your travel companion can take an immersive expedition voyage in some of the world’s most exciting regions.

The deal only lasts until December 4, leaving you just under two weeks to pick the trip of a lifetime.

The deal stretches across 16 different cruises, meaning whether you’re looking to sip whiskey in the Scottish Highlands, gaze your eyes over the Inca architecture of Machu Picchu, circumnavigate Iceland or a range of other explorations, there’ll be something for you.

You can check out the full list of available cruises and book your dream trip here!

If you need a touch more convincing, here’s a deeper look into some of the itineraries you could find yourself experiencing at a cut price.

Antarctica Circle Expedition 

If you’re in the mood for 17-days of pure polar adventure, including the unique chance to attempt to sail south of the Antarctic Circle, this is the cruise to put yourself on.

You’ll start off amongst the colourful architecture and lively tango dancing of Buenos Aires before beginning your polar voyage, with everything from whales to penguins and breathtaking scenery to be seen.

There’s also an option of adding an escape to snow-capped summits of Patagonia before your voyage or the gushing magnificence of Iguazu Falls after your voyage.

Antarctica & Falklands Expedition 

For a slightly different way to explore Antarctica, this 15-day escape takes you through both Antarctica and the Falklands. 

You’ll have a full five days amongst the otherworldly surrounds of Antarctica but also a very special front-row seat to the incredible wildlife of the Falklands. Colonies of penguins will be looking back at you as you traverse the green-coated shores of the incredible islands. 

At the end you’ll arrive home with memories of kayaking amongst icebergs, pitching a tent on Antarctic ice and hiking amongst the biodiversity of the Falklands.

The friendly locals.

British Isles Cruise – Expedition Around the Irish Sea 

For something slightly more short and sweet, but still completely serene, you can go for a six-day cruise of the British Isles. Cruisers will get the chance to explore the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of the Isle of Man, visit thriving yet historically rich cities like Glasgow and Dublin and get a chance to retrace ancient Viking voyages through the region.

Coastal Scotland Expedition Cruises 

To mix the wildlife and wilderness of the average Hurtigruten Expeditions cruise with some sips of fine whiskey and all the tradition and history enclosed within each glass, enjoy this navigation of the Scottish coast.

You’ll take tours amongst the eight distilleries of Scotland’s famous ‘whisky isle’, scan your eyes for mythology amongst some o the countries greatest Lochs and keep an eye out for dolphins, whales, seals, seabirds and more as you make your way through flourishing ecosystems. 

Some Scottish comfort.

Galapagos Islands Expedition – in Darwin’s footsteps 

Few places feel more like a step back in time to when animals ruled the wilderness more than the remote regions of the Galapagos Islands, exactly where this eight-day cruise will take you. 

This cruise will be paradise for a scuba diver or snorkeller, yet equally spectacular from above the water as you see experience the wildlife of the gorgeous Galapagos. 

As a bonus, you’ll start off with a trip to Cotopaxi Volcano outside Quito in Ecuador to get your blood flowing to preapre you for the giant tortoises, colourful marine iguanas, colonies of sea lions and all the other wildlife ready to greet you in the Galapagos.  

Galapagos Islands Expedition Cruise – Nine of the Best Isles 

For a similar yet slightly more in depth journey into the Galapagos, tick off all the best islands and channels of the spectacular region on this 10-day expedition.

From the rich volcanic soils of Fernandina to the enchanting endemic wildlife of Isabela, you’ll truly get an immersion into the history, biodiversity and modern day conservation that makes the Galapagos the bucket list attraction that it is.

Book any of these amazing cruises or more here!

The greatness of the Galapagos.