Celebrity Edge captain gives crew the chance to cruise like guests

Captain of Celebrity Edge Kate McCue decided to make the most of their 30 day pause and allow all 1,300 crew on board to stay in a balcony stateroom.

Captain McCue made the announcement Oprah-style on stage to rousing cheer and applause from the crew, including officers, stateroom attendants, restaurant employees and more.

“A very happy day getting our crew their new digs for our sailing hiatus! Each crew member drew a card at random… all with guaranteed balconies for fresh air, tons of vitamin SEA, & making them feel like the true Celebrities they are! They have full use of these staterooms in addition to their crew rooms until it’s time to welcome our guests ‘home’,” Captain McCue writes on her Instagram.

Watch how the crew celebrated their lucky draw moment.

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It is a true present for the crew who have to spend months away from family and people they love in this challenging period.

And a sweet acknowledgement of the hard work they have put in to create the Celebrity experience for guests.

Two of Celebrity Cruises’ 2019 Employees of the Year – Celebrity Cleaner Genife Catinggan & Assistant Shore Excursions Manager Alexandra Ordonez – who are currently onboard the Celebrity Edge, were also surprised with a week stay in the most luxurious cabins on board, the exclusive two-story Edge Villas.

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Giving back to our amazing crew who give their ALL everyday! Two of our 2019 Employees of the Year (Celebrity Cleaner Genife Catinggan & Assistant Shore Excursions Manager Alexandra Ordonez) are currently onboard, so we surprised them with a week in the Exclusive Edge Villas… What will they enjoy in the gorgeous oceanfront villas? How about: The only two-story residences in the fleet Private terrace with three-foot-deep plunge pool and inviting lounge furniture Sq. ft: 739 interior / 211 terrace Floor-to-ceiling windows One bedroom and two full bathrooms Exclusive eXhale® bedding, featuring a king-sized Cashmere Mattress Marble master bathroom with whirlpool tub . #thankyou #JUSTCREWIT #livingthesuitelife #iamcelebrity #livingontheedge #lifeintheSeaSuite #seastheday #celebrityedge @celebritycruises #life #sea #cruise #sail #captain #beyondborders #wonderawaits #celebritycruises @celebrityedge #employeesoftheyear

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While on board, Captain McCue also celebrated the fourth birthday of her cat, Lady Bug, with a custom made pink birthday cake made by the chefs on board.

Captain McCue is definitely keeping the spirits of the crew on board up with her positivity. “Like ships, this too shall pass,” she wrote on her Instagram.

15 thoughts on “Celebrity Edge captain gives crew the chance to cruise like guests”

  1. We love Celebrity and have made several sailings on the X ships. Congratulations to Celebrity for appointing such a great person as Kate McCue as Captain of Edge, and congratulations to Capt McCue for her leadership and her consideration for the ship’s crew, who work so tirelessly and often anonymously to give the passengers such a wonderful time. We hope we will be on Edge soon. Meanwhile, sail safely and take care.

  2. Wow great leadership…. Captain Kate✌️… However the Fleet should do the same. On Apex crew members Are in isolation down under in crew cabins without any natural light. You should give them at least rooms with window if they wil be traped inside rooms for months.

  3. Wow I couldn’t believe it when this came across face book. Not only a female captain (Kate) and what she did for her staff this is such a wonderful thing to do for them .
    They deserve to be treated with this treat as they all work hard and this is a great way of thanking them that they would never get to do. I always sail with Princess as I think they are the best . Will look out for Celebrity and Captain Kate if they ever sail from Brisbane.

  4. Wow! What a wonderful gift for the crew members. A gesture like this will make such a huge impact on everyone involved. They certainly all deserve this! Thank you, Captain Kate for showing how much you cherish your crew‼️

  5. We have sailed with Celebrity several times including the Alaskan trip aboard the Millennium that had to limp back to Ketchikan and remain there for 4 days as Celebrity worked to get all passengers to their final destinations. That was not an easy task but services were great during that time.
    This gesture on the part of the captain, what did for her crew, is awesome. The crews on those large vessels work very hard to make our stay so enjoyable! They truly deserve the special attention they are getting on the Edge! Kudos to the captain for her thoughtfulness! Job well done!

  6. We with Capt Kate 2 Weeks in February 2020. It was FANTASTIC and I was in a SUITE. WE rebook for January 2021. The new Apotex. I only sail CELEBRITY THR BEST CREW ON THE SEAS.

  7. Unfortunately my back-to-back-to-back, 3 conservative, on the Edge needed to be cancelled due to this virus but am a loyal Celebrity cruiser and can’t wait to get back onto one of Celebrity’s vessels. The crew are always outstanding and I am so happy to see that Captain Kate is allowing them the upper decks, etc. Thanks, Celebrity, for outstanding service and hospitality.

  8. We are so happy for the Staff of the Edge and Captain Kate for her great leadership. We are looking forward to sailing on the Edge and hoping our cruise will be leaving in September from Italy. We love sailing with Celebrity and look forward to be sailing with Captain Kate and crew.

  9. Très très beau geste, nous avons navigué sur le Edge en février et avons adoré. Bravo au capitaine Kate et à l équipage enjoy.

  10. Was on a cruise with captain mc Cew brilliant captain and her CAT she is looking after her team well done in this awful times hope we get back to Celebrity Cruise in the Autumn

  11. We sailed on the Edge under leadership of Capt Kate and loved not only this ship but the leadership of now women!!!!! It gives women thru out the world hope to accomplish their dreams!
    We loved loved the ship. We have sailed many times but The Edge was the best ever!
    Thanks for sharing the rooms with the staff! You are the best and grateful to be a woman in this new day!!!!!
    Hoping to return 12195 some day after this is over and done!!!! Save our room!!!
    Peggy and Doug Krassin ❤️❤️

  12. Wonderful gesture. We take a cruise each year. We were going on our first cruise with Celebrity next week . We rebooked for next April. We are going on the Summit. Can hardly wait. I know how hard the crew members work on board and appreciate all they do. I always make new and good friends with our state room attendants. So glad to see that these employees are getting to enjoy the rest and good life .they deserve it. Hat’s off to the Captain and Celebrity. Have fun

  13. A wonderful gesture that will highlight the thoughtful attitude of a good Captain and will motivate everyone when normality returns.

  14. Captain McCue should be given a medal for her thoughtfullness. I hope the company appreciates what she has done to keep up morale onboard. These crew will be away from families for an indefinite time with no date as to when they will be able to leave the ship.
    Good on you Kate. Keep up the good work.

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