The cheapest month to travel is…

If you’re planning a holiday but want to avoid paying the big bucks then you’ll need to know the cheapest times to travel.

According to a Skyscanner study, that cheapest month is May. It’s just before Europe hits the summer seasons and just after the Easter holidays.

If you’re looking for a more specific travel period, the study found the cheapest week to travel is 28 April to 4 May.

It’s no surprise that December is the most expensive month to travel, with prices hiked up to cater to those heading off on a Christmas/New Year getaway.

However, for people really looking for a good deal, the study found waiting until the very last minute to book flights to your cruising destinations will help you save.

Booking one week out from your travel date to the UK you can save as much as 11 percent off the average fare.

If you’re heading to New Zealand for a cruise, the study found purchasing flights six weeks before you need to fly out could help you save up to 15 percent off the average booking fare.

For Thailand book five weeks before the trip to take advantage of up to 13 percent off the average fare and for Singapore purchase 14 weeks before you need to leave and your fare could be reduced by 15 percent.

Other Skyscanner tips to get the best flight prices:

–       Avoid peak season travel
–       Fly during the least popular hours of the day
–       Book on weekends or travel on a Thursday night and return on Monday