Watch: The wild brawl that got these cruisers banned for life

A video recently went viral of a wild brawl aboard Carnival Paradise, with several passengers throwing punches, pulling hair, wrestling and more. The Carnival PR team has made it clear that those involved have been banned for life from cruising with Carnival.

The brawl goes on for more than six minutes, with damage being done to furniture and cutlery, and some cruise passengers even encouraging and egging-on the brawl. Cruise security unsuccessfully tries to intervene for some minutes before the fighting finally comes to a close.

The ship was on the final night of its itinerary before finishing the cruise in Tampa the next day, sailing a popular Caribbean itinerary.

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You can see the full video below – due to content-restrictions you may have to click the link and open the video on YouTube.

Or view it on X here:

Carnival Cruises have had brawls and fights breaking out on their ships in the past, with many videos similar to this bpreviously circulating online. However, thankfully, fights and brawls on cruise ships are still a rarity.

Cruise Law News speculated three reasons for the occurence of brawls on Carnival ships.

  • The “wider audience”: The cheap fares of Carnival attract a wider audience, who are also younger and more into partying and alcohol.
  • Too much alcohol on ships: A budget line such as Carnival makes much of its profits on alcohol sales, and Carnival ships are known as “fun-ships” where binge drinking is common.
  • Ill trained and insufficient number of security guards: Being a cruise ship security guard requires a particular skillset and level of training that may not be seen on Carnival ships.

For more information on Carnival Cruises, click here

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