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Michelle with P&O staff on the Pacific Aria – with a love note from Harri

A stowaway galah will be reunited with its family after it decided to take a cruise around New Zealand and Carnival Corporation are planning a party to reunite the bird with her family.

Harri the galah, who hails from Brisbane, went missing from her cage a few days before her family were due to take their own cruise.

Michelle and Brett Cozzi, with their four-year-old daughter Georgia were preparing for their cruise aboard P&O’s Pacific Aria around Queensland when they noticed Harri had escaped.

Unable to find her, heartbroken, the family departed on their cruise.

Perhaps feeling left out, Harri made her way to the Portside Wharf Cruise Ship Terminal for her own holiday and boarded the Sea Princess which was on her way to New Zealand.

It wasn’t until after the cruise had set off, that Carnival Corporation staff (who own both P&O and Princess Cruises) told the Cozzi’s their beloved pet was infact, onboard a different voyage.

The staff onboard the Sea Princess found Harri as the ship approached Milford last week and New Zealand authorities were informed.

The Ministry for Primary Industries boarder clearance manager Andrew Spelman said that the only way for the ship to enter New Zealand with Harri onboard was to have her euthanised or ‘secured and bonded to the vessel’.

Luckily, the staff onboard the Sea Princess was able to find Harri her own stateroom and kept her watered and fed throughout the cruise. Talk about living in the lap of luxury.

Carnival Australia spokesman David Jones that Harri’s and the Cozzi family’s story was “truly unique”.

“It’s a classic feel-good story with everyone in the two cruise lines and government authorities doing everything they can to achieve a great family reunion,” he said.

“Needless to say, the lines are running hot between Sea Princess and Pacific Aria to give the family regular updates on Harri’s progress.”

Carnival said Harri had been well looked after during the cruise, but said the family were “the heroes”.

“Harri was microchipped and his family easily contacted as a result.”

Harri even sent Michelle, Brett and Georgia a bottle of vino from the Sea Princess to the Pacific Aria.

The Cozzi’s will be reunited with Harri this weekend – both parties rested and relaxed from their respective cruise holidays.