SeaDream l – Blog 6: Santa Cruz de la Palma, Canary Islands

Docked right in the centre of town next to a most interesting marina that included ocean-going rowing boats, though why anyone would want to row across the Atlantic beats me – there’s no room on board for a buffet table!

We walked along a black-sand beach, then through the cobblestone streets, viewing the historic houses when we came across the church where Christopher Columbus and his crew prayed, before their voyage of discovery to the New World.

Along the way we chatted with a couple from our ship who were eating the local specialty, sizzling garlic prawns, though I don’t know where anyone would have the room for additional food as we are so well fed on Seadream I!  The town square was so inviting with its large trees we decided to sit for a while watching the passing parade, including several bike riders from the ship.