NSW has experienced a political upheaval in the wake of Gladys Berejiklian’s departure from government. However, early signs are pointing towards the new leadership being good news for the cruise industry.

Last month, Dominic Perrotett, at the time the treasurer of NSW, said, “It doesn’t make sense when we open our international borders for people to fly overseas to go cruising without being able to do so here.”

“I’ll work closely with the Federal Government to ensure that as part of our plan to reopen borders, cruising can steam ahead alongside all aspects of the tourism industry.”

Mr Perrottet also told Cruise Passenger at the time: “The cruise industry is a very important segment of the travel market and we look forward to the great harbour in the world being able to welcome ships from around the world once again when it is safe to do so.”

Now, Mr Perrottet is NSW Premier and in an even stronger position to advocate for the return of cruising, especially in NSW. 

This change has heartened the industry, with Cruise Lines International Association Managing Director Australasia Joel Katz positive about the new leadership and what it could mean for cruise.

“The new Premier in NSW is one of a growing number of political leaders who have acknowledged the work that needs to be done to support cruising’s resumption in Australia.”

As Dominic Perrottet said last month, it doesn’t make sense for Australians to be able to travel overseas to cruise while they still can’t cruise in Australian waters. He has indicated he will work with the Federal Government to ensure cruising can be included in Australia’s plans to reopen.”

norwegian jewel eden welcome
From left: Ben Angell, Rumi Khato, Stuart Ayres, Giorgio Voussolinos, Kristy McBain, Natalie Godward, Philip Holliday

Mr Katz also makes the point that the new Deputy Leader of the NSW Liberal Party, Stuart Ayres has also been an advocate for cruise.

“The new Deputy Liberal Leader in NSW, Stuart Ayres, has also been a supporter of cruising and as Tourism Minister has highlighted the important economic benefits that cruising brings to many regional communities.”

Overall, the change in leadership has given Mr Katz and CLIA a renewed confidence in their pursuit to bring back cruise.

“We are looking forward to working with the NSW Government to finalise plans for a careful resumption of cruising and we will continue to push for more detailed discussions with all state, territory and federal governments.”

“The extensive new health protocols that cruise lines have adopted globally are already in place and working effectively in most other regions of the world, and we need an opportunity to progress their implementation in Australia and achieve clarity for cruise passengers and for the many people whose jobs rely on cruising.”

Mr Perrotett and Mr Ayres’s offices have been contacted for comment.