On one side, it’s a sandy beach that looks just perfect for families.  On the other, it’s slap bang in front of Port Botany, the bustling container hub of Sydney.

Yarra Bay and Molineaux Point, just a few hundred metres along a breakwater, are the two sites most likely to house Sydney’s third cruise terminal.  A business case is being developed, and if they pass muster, community consultation on which is preferred and environmental impact studies will follow.

So what exactly does Yarra Bay, meaning Ever Flowing to its traditional Aboriginal ancestors, look like?

The issue has sparked mixed reactions on our site. So Cruise Passenger spent a day filming to bring you a special video to help you make up your mind.

One site sits close to the beach and just across from one of Sydney’s largest cemeteries.  The other is several hundred metres from the beach at the end of the breakwater, and looked to us as the one which would cause residents least problems.

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