Coral Expeditions Australia’s small ship expedition line will have its biggest Kimberley season next year when it offers 40 voyages across three ships.

The line’s three Australian flagged and crewed ships, Coral Discoverer, Coral Adventurer and the new Coral Geographer will offer 10-night expeditions departing Darwin and Broome with passengers able to see Kimberley’s overflowing waterfalls and migrating whales.

Kimberley Top 10 Things 2 1The season starting in late March to late October next year, will meet growing demand from Australians keen to cruise again and experience the Kimberley.

The introduction of Coral Expeditions’ rigorous SailSafe Plan and health protocols have also created a “safe travel bubble” for passengers and crew since the line started cruising to the Great Barrier Reef last month.

“There is no better sanctuary than our expansive Australian coast. After 25 years exploring this vast wilderness, the Kimberley really is our backyard. The expert local guidance and deep knowledge of our Australian crew will ensure you will see the region at its best,” said Jeff Gillies, commercial director of Coral Expeditions.

Some of the highlights of the Kimberley cruises include:

  • Seeing the Horizontal Falls aboard a zodiac.
  • Taking in King George River’s majestic cliffs and 80m King George Falls
  • Going on a helicopter flight over Mitchell Falls
  • Learning about ancient, Aboriginal rock art from traditional owners and guides
  • Watching Montgomery Reef emerge from the sea as the tides ebb
  • Seeing rare birds, turtles, Brown Footed Boobies, Eastern Ospreys, white breasted sea eagles, juvenile rays and sharks

The line is also offering complimentary deposit protection which allows passengers to transfer their deposits to any future voyage, flexible travel credits in the event of any disruptions and special rates for groups of four travelling together.

The line has already launched its season aboard its Australian flagged and crewed ships, successfully sailing out of Cairns, Queensland.   

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