Hurtigruten’s total solar eclipse cruise takes you to Antarctica for this unique experience.

Experiencing a total solar eclipse from the deck of a Hurtigruten expedition ship while cruising Antarctica is, no doubt, a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Hurtigruten, the world’s largest and most sustainable expedition cruise operator, is now inviting guests from all over the world to experience this unique event.

Hurtigruten is taking two expedition ships to explore this part of the Antarctica Peninsula in 2021, with a focus on the solar eclipse experience on December 4, which takes place in the Scotia Sea around the South Orkney Islands only once every 400 years.

“We will sail both the world’s first hybrid expedition ship, the MS Roald Amundsen, and her sister ship, the MS Fram, to prime positions outside the South Orkney Islands aiming to see this spectacular natural phenomenon, if weather permits,” says Hurtigruten CEO Daniel Skjeldam.

The 23-day voyage aboard the MS Fram sails to Antarctica, the Falklands and South Georgia, while the 18-day sailing aboard the MS Roald Amundsen cruises to Antarctica, the Chilean Fjords and the Falklands.

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This type of solar eclipse will only be visible from Antarctica with Hurtigruten bringing along a group of hand-picked experts to offer insights into this rare phenomenon.

“We aim for all Hurtigruten sailings to be life-changing and transformational,” adds Skjeldam. “These experts will further deepen and expand this unequalled possibility to experience one of nature’s most striking events.”

A total solar eclipse is when the moon covers the sun completely for a few minutes. Day suddenly becomes night and the temperature drops. Birds flying near the ship may also fall eerily silent, as if holding their breaths while the moment passes.

South Orkney Islands is the ideal place for front-row seats to this upcoming total solar eclipse. Early morning in the South Orkneys during the summer means the sun will be hanging low on the horizon, having barely set during the night. Provided skies are clear, guests will be able to observe the eclipse – lasting just under two minutes – from beginning to end.

As part of your voyage with Hurtigruten, the Expedition Team will give out special-purpose solar filter sunglasses designed specifically to protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet and infrared rays. A professional astronomer will also be part of the Expedition Team for the full duration of the voyage, delivering a series of in-depth talks on this extraordinary occurrence and providing insights during the eclipse itself.

Dekk MS Fram Port Stanley Falklandsoyene HGR 48468Hurtigruten’s solar eclipse experts add to the Norwegian cruise line’s already extensive onboard Expedition Teams which include experts in marine biology, sustainability, history, glaciology, oceanography and photography.

“This is a truly unique opportunity for a very limited number of modern-day adventure travellers to both immerse in the seventh continent and its icebergs, penguins, seals, whales and birds, and at the same time have front-row access to an astonishing planetary display,” says Skjeldam.

Building on 127 years of Norwegian pioneering heritage, Hurtigruten started life as a postal service between Norway and northern towns such as Hammerfest. What was once a cargo and ferry company, is today the world’s largest expedition cruise company.

Being a world leader in exploration travel also comes with a great responsibility, so Hurtigruten is enhancing destinations by running a responsible, sustainable global operation.

With UN Sustainable Development Goals as a framework – and a mission focused on innovation, technology and concrete measures – sustainability is a part of every detail of the Hurtigruten operation.

For more information about Hurtigruten’s Solar Eclipse cruises see

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