The Scenic Neptune, the Scenic Eclipse’s submarine took guests on an underwater exploration in Stomness in South Georgia, the first time a passenger submersible has been given permission to dive in this location.

Scenic has worked closely with the local authorities to give passengers a unique experience, as well as increase awareness and educate guests about the unique South Georgian eco-system.

SCE Maiden Dive Stromness South Georgia Scenic Neptune 002SCE Maiden Dive Stromness South Georgia Scenic Neptune 003


“We’ve been eagerly awaiting this historic moment since the application process began over two years ago. After working closely with the authorities to gain permission, we’d like to thank them for placing their trust in us to operate these dives. Seeing our plans become a reality and being able to offer our guests this incredible experience unrivalled by any other cruise line is an incredible moment for our team,” said Captain James Griffiths, Director of Marine Operations.

“As a brand we are committed to raising the bar, only two years ago we were the first operator to fly helicopters and partake in submarine dives in Antarctica. Our team at Scenic has worked tirelessly to make this happen and we’re grateful for their continued dedication and passion that allows us to provide our guests with a truly unique and unforgettable experience.”

Jason Flesher, Expedition Operations Manager, who led the first dive said: “It was an extraordinary experience to be on board Scenic Neptune’s maiden submarine dive in South Georgia – and was a moment that both myself and our guests will remember for a lifetime. To personally provide deep insights to our guests and witness a diversity of rich marine life, including bioluminescent jelly fish, Pelagic Antarctic Krill and a vast array of marine benthic fauna, was truly an honour.”

These Scenic Neptune submarine excursions are available on the Antarctica, South Georgia and Falkland Islands 20-day voyages.

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