Orion Kimberley Cruise – Part 1

Over the next couple of weeks I will be writing about my latest cruise adventure on Orion Expedition Cruises’ Orion – a Kimberley cruise that departed Darwin and recently concluded in Broome.

But as I write this, Sydney Airport is being closed due to the dreaded volcanic ash from the eruption of the Mt Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano in Chile. And, if you are a regular reader of my blogs, you will know that I am always espousing the importance of allowing at least two days leeway in getting to an embarkation port.

Some passengers, I feel sure, missed joining Orion in Broome for the return cruise to Darwin because of the volcanic ash. While I feel their pain, this is just another example of how important it is to approach a coming cruise thinking, ‘Neither RAIN, SNOW, HAIL OR VOLCANIC ASH will keep me from my cruise!’

I was not able to report directly from Orion due to communication problems caused by the mountainous terrain, but here is my first day for you:

After a four and a half hour flight from Sydney to Darwin, we arrived at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, well-situated in the heart of the city. Orion was due to leave from a nearby dock the next day.

Darwin had changed drastically since Sandra and I last visited, some twelve years ago.  The newly developed waterfront area is a must see, especially the wave pool.

It was a Friday night and all the local bars were packed, but we were looking forward to our next eleven days so headed to be bed early.