Orion Kimberley Cruise – Days 2 & 3

After a buffet breakfast on the outdoor deck, which included my favourite, Eggs Benedict (cooked to order), we were on our way to Jaco Island, East Timor.

Australia, like many other countries, has this weird ruling that foreign registered ships have to visit a foreign port on a cruise – East Timor was ours.

We arrived as darkness was falling, but no one was home.  It must have been the officials’ dinner hour.  After a short wait we headed back to sea.

The next day was a sea day. Sandra and I love sea days as they give us a chance to explore the ship and meet fellow passengers. They also allow more time for leisurely dining.

We went to our first enhancement lecture, held in the Cosmos Theatre. Entitled “Kimberley – The Great Rock & Roll Show” and given by a member of the expedition crew, we learnt all about Kimberley geology and early explorers.

There were other lectures throughout the cruise, covering a multitude of topics. The in-house TV channel also broadcast different movies each day to our cabin. Despite my love of TV, we were so busy throughout the cruise that I never had the opportunity to watch one.

We were looking forward to our arrival the next day at Wyndham, Western Australia.

Our Kimberley adventure was soon to start in earnest.