Norwegian Sky Day 4: It’s all Greek to me

After such a jam packed day and night in Great Stirrup Cay, I was relatively glad I didn’t have too much planned for my day in Nassau, a sleep in was very much needed!

Famed for its tax and duty free shopping, this port is the ideal place to purchase jewellery, watches…and cocktails…lots of them, courtesy of portside bar Senor Frog’s.

Not usually one to shy away from a party, the festivities of the night before were still ringing in my ears and I chose to watch the drinking games from the sidelines with a healthy (and spicy) fresh serving of conch salad.

You can’t get any fresher than conch salad at Senor Frog’s I tell you…caught right in front of me and whipped up with tomato, cucumber, peppers, onions and a healthy serving of chilli, that conch salad was well worth the 45 minute wait!

I devour my USD$16 salad and enjoy the debauchery that the Miami boys have decided to participate in.

What started as a simple ‘Name That Tune’ competition quickly turned into a scream fest as people from around the world try to get their song title in for the chance to have shots poured down their throats (and inevitably also down their clothes).

Perhaps I liked my dress too much or perhaps the idea of more alcohol (albeit free) just overwhelmed me, but watching on the sidelines was more than enough excitement for this girl!

The Miami boys were going strong though and even beating the Aussies that had congregated from another ship to play the game as well.

I leave the screams of laughter and wolf whistles of Senor Frog’s behind and retire to the ship to savour the sunshine and lie by the pool with a soft serve ice cream ahead of my interview and bridge tour with Captain Ron.

This is my version of ‘Cruising like a Norwegian’ for the day…relaxation…and lots of it!

Captain Ron welcomes me to his office like an old friend and we delve into his back-story before joining a bridge tour with special guests onboard.

It truly is so nice to have had the chance to spend time with a Captain so dedicated to getting to know his passengers and sharing his stories with the world.

Before I know it though, it’s time to pack…not my favourite activity, especially when I truly did ‘live in’ my cabin. It has to be done though and I get one suitcase out ready for collection before what is sure to be a lovely dinner at specialty restaurant Cagney’s.

Doug and I are guided to our special table smack bang in the centre of the intimate restaurant, which sits amidst what is best described as a fancy rotunda akin to the top

of a wedding cake.

Perfect for those special occasions, I’m certain that many a wedding proposal has been made where we sit, but in our case, it does feel like we’re in the spotlight for dinner!

We attract a few gazes and laugh at the fact that our fellow diners may have the wrong idea about our partnership but know that the meal ahead will be delectable and the intimate setting certainly creates the perfect atmosphere to reflect on our cruise.

Sitting nearby are the ‘miracle twins’ who I have had the honour of getting to know during my sailing.

These gorgeous ten-year old girls truly light up a room and personally

chose this Norwegian Sky cruise as their birthday present from their doting grandparents above all other cruises they could have taken to celebrate the special occasion.

Born several months premature, the petite girls have such character and I relished each time they ran up to me to tell me of their experiences for the day.
From swimming with the dolphins in Freeport to their day at the beach at Great Stirrup Cay, they are self-professed cruise fanatics now and are planning their next cruise with their parents in tow as well.

At only USD$25, the meal at Cagney’s doesn’t disappoint. I select a serving of oysters to start, followed by an Ahi Tuna steak that is so filling I can’t even make it to dessert.

My unfinished Pinot Grigio from dinner the night before is served and I introduce non-wine drinking Doug to an Australian bottle with a Riesling from the Margaret River on the menu.

A very handy option (especially for those sailing solo) when it comes to ordering wine at dinner when cruising, is the ability to tag your wine so that you don’t feel the need to finish it at the one meal.

Your bar waiter will obtain your details and store the wine for you ready for delivery at any restaurant aboard the ship the following evening. This is a much more affordable option than purchasing wine by the glass when sailing.

Click here to read more.

Words: Natalie Aroyan