Why David Stratton loves Singing in the Rain

David StrattonIt’s a cruise to Antarctica with a distinct difference – film critic David Stratton will be on board Celebrity Eclipse to showcase some favourite movies and add a little of his encyclopedic knowledge.

  1. Why do you think people who love cruising also like film?

 Seeing films is one of the relaxing activities aboard a cruise ship.  The people who sign on for the ‘Film Festival at Sea’ are, presumably, more interested in films than most, so they combine the pleasures of a cruise with the pleasure of seeing movies.

  1. Are there particular movies that cruise passengers are interested in? Can you tell us the top five and why?

I’m not aware of any particular movies that cruise passengers want to see.  I programme the films for these festivals and they are received with lively interest from the group who come along. 

  1. What attracted you to this cruise?

I’ve hosted a film festival at sea several times already and I thought that I wouldn’t do another.  But the attraction of visiting Buenos Aires and Antarctica – places I haven’t been to before – made me reconsider. 

  1. What is your favourite cruise itinerary and why?

 I don’t have a particular favourite.  They’ve all been enjoyable.  Perhaps I’m most excited about visiting the places I haven’t been before – for example Iceland where we went a few years ago.

  1. As a traveller who loves film, which film festivals do you think every film buff should visit at least once?

By far my favourite film festival is Venice, and it’s usually possible for the public to buy tickets (unlike, for example, Cannes where it’s pretty impossible.  But here in Australia there are a number of excellent film festivals – if you live in Melbourne, why not try Sydney Film Festival (and vice versa). 

  1. If you were on a desert island, with just one film, what would it be?

SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN – I love musicals, and this is simply the best film musical ever made.

David Stratton lead the Film Festival At Sea aboard the Celebrity Eclipse in January 2020. For more details go to WWW.TRAVELRITE.COM.AU or call 1800 630343